Cannon's Canines

Behaviour Modification & Problem Solving

Training Levels and Curriculum
Behaviour Modification & Problem Solving
Consultations & Housecalls
Dog Rescue
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     Behaviour modification is different from obedience training in that it seeks to modify, eliminate, or manage unwanted and/or troublesome behaviour. Behaviour modification does not seek to teach responses to commands, but rather aims to associate either positive or negative environmental response to chosen actions on the part of the dog. Some typical nuisance behaviours include: barking, digging, jumping up, stealing food/objects, destructive chewing, toilet training, aggression, shyness, and phobias. Private consultations and specific programs, designed by the trainer, help you understand the source of the problem and provide you with exercises to modify, eliminate or manage them.
Important:   We are more than willing to help with aggression issues, even extreme cases if we think the problem can be remedied, but you MUST muzzle your dog with a secure basket muzzle. (We do not allow the tight fitting nylon muzzles that prevent your dog from panting and breathing properly.)  This is not only for your safety, my safety and the safety of strangers, but it’s also for your dog’s safety.
     Behaviour modification sessions are 45 - 60 minutes.  We encourage you to bring a pad and pen, tape recorder, or video camera.  You should also have your questions/concerns written out beforehand to ensure that nothing is overlooked.  These sessions may or may not take place with your dog present.  Also, they may be housecalls, or take place in public, depending on what the situation calls for.
"Your guide to a polite pet."